End User Licence Agreement

This Agreement was last modified on 15th August 2018.

This agreement is made between 'You' and 'Us'
'You' are a person who has created a user account in the Condatis Web Application by filling in a registration form at [URL] 'We/Us' are The Condatis Project, a team of employees of the University of Liverpool, UK, led by Dr Jenny Hodgson

Understand that...
By accessing and using this service, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of this agreement and any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services. Any participation in this service will constitute acceptance of this agreement. If you do not agree to abide by the above, please do not use this service.

We will do our best but...
This site and its components are offered for informational purposes only; this site shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted or made available via the site, and shall not be responsible or liable for any error or omissions in that information. Under no circumstances will this site be liable for any of the following losses or damage: (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (f) losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of this site.

It's your data and your analyses...
This section applies to non-personal data, which includes geographical data and parameters which you upload in order to perform Condatis analyses.

By uploading data to this site you assert that you have the required rights and permissions to upload the data to our server for the purposes of performing Condatis analyses. You indemnify us from any claims by third parties with respect to the uploaded data.

Your data will be stored on a secure server, only accessible to you (or someone with your login details) and the site administrators.
Unless you give explicit additional permissions, we will not use your uploaded data except for the following purposes

  1. Performing analyses that you explicitly request by your interaction with the site, and delivering the results to you
  2. Troubleshooting analyses that may not have worked as expected
  3. Collecting aggregated, anonymous statistics such as the size of jobs and how long they took to run
We will not transfer your uploaded data to any third party unless you give explicit additional permissions.
This site is not a data repository and we reserve the right to delete the uploaded data and any consequent results or information after a reasonable period.

Use our site for its intended purpose...
You agree not to attempt to
  1. subvert any security feature of the Condatis website
  2. modify any code incorporated in the site
  3. upload any data not of the accepted file types
Where the Condatis website may include commenting facilities, they must not be used to distribute spam messages, post commercial advertisements, or spread links to malicious or dangerous websites. We retain the right to moderate any comment or written content submitted to the website and to remove any content we deem inappropriate.

During registration and other points on this website you may be asked to share your email address and other personal identifying information with us. We will protect your personal information as detailed in our separate Privacy Declaration, available here.

The content presented on this website is, unless explicitly stated otherwise, subject to a copyright held by us.
It is permissible to link to content from this site as long as the original source is clearly stated, but the wholesale reproduction or partial modification of content is not permitted. Exceptions are granted only if you receive prior written consent from us.

Access interruption or termination.
Temporary interruptions to our service may occur at any time. We may also terminate your access to the Site, without cause or notice, which may result in the deletion of all information associated with your account. All provisions of this Agreement that, by their nature, should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.

Changes to This Agreement
Condatis reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service at any time. We do so by posting and drawing attention to the updated terms on the Site. Your decision to continue to visit and make use of the Site after such changes have been made constitutes your formal acceptance of the new Terms of Service.

Governing Law
This Agreement is governed in accordance with the laws of England, United Kingdom.